Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Cheap media

Before Ramadan, dozens of directors, script writers and producers get together and start working. They dot down their ideas, choose actors and create a whole crew. The competition gets very intense during Ramadan. They try and create something worth watching in order to excel, and be better than others.

Ramadan is a sensitive month for them, its their time to produce some of their best work because everybody tends to watch series during the holy month. Its very ironic since it should be the time people go to mosques and recite the Quran.

Some directors are talented and respected in their field of work. Those, create masterpieces! They let people laugh and cry at the same time. They hire good actors, a good camera crew and always have a story worth watching.

Some people have anger stored in them, and they want to display it on the media. So they suddenly become directors. They start producing cheap channels and cheap TV shows that not only "T-theer elfetna" but irritate the audience too!

How is it that corruption has entered the media and no sound has been made? Those with the authority to remove such figures should start as the leading voice and renounce the idea that everyone can become a director, producer or actor.

For five years straight many channels have created a show where they prank celebrities. Excuse me but "mu mn kethr elmumatheelen!" for them to create that many! Don’t you people have anything better to do? Think of something new and creative. And NO actors stuck on elevators is not creative! We barely believed they were truly pranked last year. How did that show manage to air this year too? If you want to prank them AGAIN, at least change the sound affects your using, you already used them last year.

Yes, imitating and poking fun of actors is sometimes funny, but its not when they start making fun of civilians trying to do something magnificent. I don’t believe it is appropriate to think of the Kuwaitis who went on the fleet to Gaza as a joke. Those civilians did something brave. They went to Gaza not knowing if they were coming back or not. They didn’t do it for money or for fame! They did it for Allah. "Elle Ra7aw 3ala rasi wallah". Displaying a religious politician who was on the fleet with them, DANCING? That channel and TV show is beyond cheap. They have stepped in a level so low they can't get back up.

One TV host in particular started dressing weirdly after her inappropriate tone of voice was getting boring. That woman wanted to be popular so bad that she started to become different in order to get noticed. Arabs, not only Kuwaitis are making fun at her. She has talent but soon enough people and producers will stop respecting her due to her inappropriate behavior.

Some people may argue with me saying its personal freedom. Its NOT personal freedom when you start to create a bad image for your country. Its NOT personal freedom if the media is starting to make Kuwaitis fight and hate each other. Its certainly NOT personal freedom when they poke fun of the people in the parliament. That’s why people lost respect for the parliament, because all the media does is "Shaweh sum3at,hum". As Aldous Huxley once said, "At least two thirds of our miseries spring from human stupidity."

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

The three colors of society

For centuries people believed that white represented purity while black represents evil.

We have come to see this differently; white is a blank and emotionless color. We consider it as such: when something is white, it is blank, so when a person seeks no knowledge, or has no opinion, they live in the white. To us, white represents the people in society who are simply blank, who simply don’t know.

Furthermore black is considered to represent death, evil, hate. Again, we do not see it as such. Black is a dominate color, it is powerful. To us it represents knowledge, the gathering of ideas and thoughts. Black signify’s the person who lives life with the aspect of wanting more, understanding more. A person who debates, wonders, and through all this looks for the answers. A person educated who lives with the notion that he or she has something to offer to the world.


When you see a blank white sheet or paper with a black dot on it, will you notice the white sheet or black dot first?

In this logo, we have used three colors. Black, green and white.

The green part of the logo represents normality, nature. Nature is very average; we see it almost daily thus making it just apart of life. Nature is not produced nor helped, it just happens, the way of life some may say. The green part is nature, and how basic it is. We think of normality as nature, basic and happens because well it just does.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


" I am more afraid of an army of a hundred sheep led by a lion, than an army of a hundred lions led by a sheep." – Talleyrand, the Prince of Diplomats.

This post is not to point fingers, far from it. It's just to state a concept that is well, taking over Kuwait. Please add your comments explaining your thoughts on what were about to say, because honestly, people are like blank walls, until they open up.


In today's world everything needs management. From schools, to business's, to the government, there is always the head who is supposed to be a lion and the staff who are commonly the sheep. Here, it is quite the opposite.

Hypothetically let’s say, that sometimes, there is a Lion Staff, who is led by a Sheep Head. Sheep's are known to be lazy and lacking energy to do anything but eat grass, meaning they do not have any leadership skills, and will never do.

Lions on the other hand are quite the opposite, they are strong and willing, both clever and cunning. How will the sheep manage the lions? Most importantly, will the lions follow?

Furthermore all staff are refereed to as staff because they have a head. Usually this head’s role is to lead, to encourage and to equip its staff to do its best.

When the head is a sheep, how will the Lion Staff manage? If the lion staff is passionate to do the impossible, who will lead them? Who will instruct them to venture into greatness?

The Sheep Leader?

Highly unlikely.

With time, everyone gets weary. The Lion Staff will become impassioned, there will be no motivation. There will be no effort. When this happens, the Lion Staff turns into Sheep, and when the Sheep Head has Sheep staff, everything will become a waste.

To this kind of management we ask

1. Why are lions that are both smarter and stronger being led by a sheep?
2. What reason is given for placing a sheep as the head? Seeing as no sheep is equipped to manage a punch of lions.
3. Why have the roles of the lion and sheep, in Kuwait replaced?

"7asafa 3al hal lions", a Kuwaiti saying says it all.

Another ‘lets say’ hypothesis.

Let’s say the roles are reversed.

Let’s say there is a sheep staff lazy, uneducated and corrupt who are led by a Lion leader.

How long will the Sheep Staff stay sheep-like?

Soon enough, with the leadership of a lion, maybe, just maybe the sheep staff will turn into …



Who knows?

Monkeys are better than sheep.



I guess.

One thing’s for sure, monkeys will always be better than sheep. They are clever and if given the right tools, will actually work.

Point being, all staff whether they were lions, sheep’s, monkeys, elephants, cows, need a Lion Leader. A lion head will know how to lead them, and that is the point of having a head to manage, even if the staff are simply sheep.

The lion head will know were to place his or her staff, which area of expertise they will thrive in. the lion head will also motive his or her staff into the right direction. The lion leader will understand, listen and estimate. He or she will know each sheep-soon-to-be-monkey’s strengths and weakness’s.

That’s why heads should not always be considered lions just because of their position. It is what you do as a head that shapes you into a lion or sheep, not who gave you this position.

Some may say:

“If a person is indeed a lion, then they should be capable of being the leader/manger.”

- FALSE, in Kuwait its not on what you do, its about who you are.

“was6a” is what will get you in, as it is usually the criteria that shapes a persons career.

That’s how Sheep’s are put in positions that need more than just a name.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010


Many people refuse to feel sorry for the suffering Palestinians.


Because they didn’t stand by us when Iraq invaded us.

Its not the people, its their government.

Even if it was the people, you never know what kind of media they were exposed to.

Media brain washes people.

Take a look at this video.


Friday, March 26, 2010

Vince Lombardi

“The difference between a successful person and others is not lack of knowledge, but lack of will." – Vince Lombardi

To this I say, what if a wall sat in between you and the success you spent your time day dreaming about. What if that wall was your father and mother? What if this wall was your own flesh and blood? What if this person had everything from knowledge to passion, except the simple approval of their parents.

Will a person’s will still matter then?

Some parents, especially here believe they have a right to control there child. Even after high school, after university, after marriage. One thing not all parents try to understand is their child. In Kuwait, a son or daughter isn’t given much individuality. There given ‘yes’ or a ‘’no’’, not a ‘‘lets talk’’.

What if a person, in there teens wanted to volunteer by helping the poor. Wanted to go to Africa and help, wanted to head to Chile and simply help for the sake of helping.

" Oh no, you'll get a disease."

" You don’t help around in this house, what makes you think you can help others?"

" No, your not responsible enough."

" Nope, you’re a girl. What will people say if they heard we let you go to Africa alone?"

" You don’t have to go, just send them money. That’s all they need."

Mom? Dad? Is this it?

Well then:

1) I don’t help in the house because you’ve employed workers to do everything, literally. If you’re referring to my brothers and sisters, well I find them disturbing and annoying.

2) You think I'm not responsible enough, maybe you should give me opportunities that allow me to actually be responsible. I’d do anything.

3) Having a specific physical shape will not change the fact that I have a brain and I know how to think. Being a girl is not something to be ashamed of. Just like a guy can think a girl can think, we both have brains by the way!

4) You sent me to school for a reason and that is to be educated. When I ask you for something besides a purse or to go out with my friends, why do you give me a weird look and remind me I’m a girl?

5) Why the hell should I care if other people found out I'm going to Africa? I’m going to help those in need. Since when has helping been a bad thing, looked down on by society?

6) One thing that you find in every society is people who talk. Well guess what, they talk so much that soon all it is JUST talk. Those who don’t want to be, talk and those who do, just have to ignore them. I’m choosing to ignore them because I know that if they don’t talk about me or say rumors and do what they do best, then they’ll just be talking about something else and someone else.

7) Money is not always the solution. Yes, they need money, but I want to help them on a more personal level. Sure, let’s send money, why not. But also, why not send people? Who want to help, who will express love and kindness, who will try to make them smile, and provide them food and see how much they appreciate it.

I want to be there, I want the experience, I want to help, I want to feel alive.

Vince, sometimes, will doesn’t matter even one bit. As much as I try to believe it, I always wonder, will it ever be enough?

In this case, no.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Samuel P. Huntington

"We know who we are only when we know who we are not and often when we know whom we are against." – Samuel P. Huntington

Our introduction is this; we are proud Muslims and Arabs.

Then comes our background, our family, our past, our beliefs. Usually this is what categorizes a person and there personality, their culture and tradition. We believe that a person's way of thinking and their actions is what shapes them into who they are, individuals.

Its commonly said that no one really knows who they are until they grow up, see the world and understand reality. This may be the case for some people but for us, we think differently. Today the world is filled with hypocrisy and demands. We live in a society that expects you to act a certain way, think a certain way, dress a certain way. A world in which every time you turn your face, creeps a judging eye. Materialistic people, who cannot see past themselves, are beginning to surface now more than ever. Those who seek naught but money, money and more money. Do they realize that money is mere paper? Do they truly believe that money will make them feel content, that money will rid the pain in their hearts, will give them satisfaction?

In the 21st century, education and knowledge has advanced like never before. Technology is at its peak and yet we hear of people who complain about being forced into going to university. The same people who never have a point of view because they are too busy following trends, fashion and friends.

Who do we blame?

The media?

The media plays a large part but should they be the real blame?

Because celebrities dress in a certain way, does not make it the right way.

Because all your friends wear a certain brand, does not mean you should to.

Because the Arabic society thinks in a certain way, does not mean those living in it should have the same thoughts, the same ideals.

Because your parents have certain beliefs, does not mean you should comply with those beliefs.

When the Kuwaiti society defines things as corrupt that does not mean they are, especially when all your trying to do is purse an education, purse your dreams and feel like you’re an individual.


Why is it that the word “3aib” comes up in almost every sentence when a kid is trying to have a conversation with his or her parent? Why is it that the mother and father refuse to listen, because you are the child and they are the parent, so automatically you do not understand. Of what age are we considered mature enough to understand? If we cannot change society and its ideals, we should at least try and change ourselves.

We shouldn't act materialistic and trample on everything around us, because wallah that’s how all Kuwaiti’s do it.

We shouldn't think how someone else wants us to think. Whether our parent or friend or sibling. We all have brains for a reason and we all have souls for a reason therefore we should all be allowed to use what we have and make up our own minds, and not expect someone else to do the thinking for us.

This blog “ a point of view” has been made for the simple reason that we cannot live like this. We want to grow up, and live for cause. We want to have a voice and we’d like to hear other peoples voices with us.

We do not seek agreement, we seek understanding.