Before Ramadan, dozens of directors, script writers and producers get together and start working. They dot down their ideas, choose actors and create a whole crew. The competition gets very intense during Ramadan. They try and create something worth watching in order to excel, and be better than others.
Ramadan is a sensitive month for them, its their time to produce some of their best work because everybody tends to watch series during the holy month. Its very ironic since it should be the time people go to mosques and recite the Quran.
Some directors are talented and respected in their field of work. Those, create masterpieces! They let people laugh and cry at the same time. They hire good actors, a good camera crew and always have a story worth watching.
Some people have anger stored in them, and they want to display it on the media. So they suddenly become directors. They start producing cheap channels and cheap TV shows that not only "T-theer elfetna" but irritate the audience too!
How is it that corruption has entered the media and no sound has been made? Those with the authority to remove such figures should start as the leading voice and renounce the idea that everyone can become a director, producer or actor.
For five years straight many channels have created a show where they prank celebrities. Excuse me but "mu mn kethr elmumatheelen!" for them to create that many! Don’t you people have anything better to do? Think of something new and creative. And NO actors stuck on elevators is not creative! We barely believed they were truly pranked last year. How did that show manage to air this year too? If you want to prank them AGAIN, at least change the sound affects your using, you already used them last year.
Yes, imitating and poking fun of actors is sometimes funny, but its not when they start making fun of civilians trying to do something magnificent. I don’t believe it is appropriate to think of the Kuwaitis who went on the fleet to Gaza as a joke. Those civilians did something brave. They went to Gaza not knowing if they were coming back or not. They didn’t do it for money or for fame! They did it for Allah. "Elle Ra7aw 3ala rasi wallah". Displaying a religious politician who was on the fleet with them, DANCING? That channel and TV show is beyond cheap. They have stepped in a level so low they can't get back up.
One TV host in particular started dressing weirdly after her inappropriate tone of voice was getting boring. That woman wanted to be popular so bad that she started to become different in order to get noticed. Arabs, not only Kuwaitis are making fun at her. She has talent but soon enough people and producers will stop respecting her due to her inappropriate behavior.
Some people may argue with me saying its personal freedom. Its NOT personal freedom when you start to create a bad image for your country. Its NOT personal freedom if the media is starting to make Kuwaitis fight and hate each other. Its certainly NOT personal freedom when they poke fun of the people in the parliament. That’s why people lost respect for the parliament, because all the media does is "Shaweh sum3at,hum". As Aldous Huxley once said, "At least two thirds of our miseries spring from human stupidity."